Speed up construction. Ensure the highest quality. And help the planet while you’re at it.

Nexii products are precision manufactured off-site and rapidly assembled on-site, reducing build times and construction costs. Our buildings are made with Nexiite and are incredibly durable, adaptable to most designs, and cost-efficient. They require a fraction of the materials and significantly less build time when compared to current construction methods.

Our Work


What if Quick-Serve didn't just apply to fast-food orders?

Our Work


What if your business could start helping your customers faster?

Our Work

Office Reconstruction

From showroom to office in FOUR days including disassembly and reconstruction

Our Work

SARIT Showroom

A low-carbon building to showcase a micro-mobility solution.

Our Work

Restaurant for global food brand

Located in Abbotsford, this CRU restaurant will be assembled via a panel system instead of conventional building methods.


Architectural Facades
EV Charging
High Performance Building Envelope
Smart and Climate Resilient Homes

Have a project in mind?

We can help you build faster, better, and more sustainably. Do you have a project that might be a good fit? Connect with us and we can take it from there.